Left - Titch makes herself at home whilst the work of unloading the jigsaw puzzle of things stuffed into every crevice of the van is carried out.
Right - Dogs posing by the van.
Below - last class with Sue Freeman. My left leg's ability of the Suzie Q move improved slightly!!
Where on earth did the last 6 weeks disappear to? As for this last week - it did a vanishing act!! The list of things to do before leaving seemed never ending & grew longer instead of getting shorter.
Discovered some key people who helped with my equipment challenges. My laptop threw at wobbler at all the music it had to cope with & lay on the ground with its legs in the air playing dead. Lee at Computer Direct worked his magic on my computers turning them into little race horses. His patience with my questions was endless. Then there was Bob at Kays Electronics in Chesterfield - 30 years of experience in the music / entertainments business providing lots of good information as to what I needed to help promote my dancing. I even touched a microphone used by royalty recently!!
There was also Lee at New Leaf sign makers who delivered as promised the design for my van's transformation into a moving advert. Oh, the agonies of "can I do this to my beloved van"? Once the work was done I was delighted - the colours are great, it is certainly noticeable & definitely not subtle! What is the point in that eh? It did dawn on me though that I now cannot do anything like park somewhere I shouldn't etc. as my info is all over the van. I'm surprised that I didn't get an irrate phone call from the shocked woman who witnessed me fling a banana skin out of the window into the bushes as I was driving along.
The trip back was fairly smooth & as usual the dogs took it all in their stride - even the 24 hour ferry crossing. Then there was the 8 hour drive with just a 20 minute coffee break during which they slept & I sang & plotted & planned all the way home intersperced with the odd moment or two of "Oh HECK - I've done it now. No turning back now. Especially with a van that has Gecko Dance plastered all over it!" Not forgetting of course all the wonderful people who have committed themselves to coming over to help.