Tuesday 1 March 2011

Count Down - March 1st 2011


Top Left - Nicolai & Rasa dancing Salsa Cubana (Sheffield). Top Right - photo by Kim Willis of Marvao Castle gardens.

A 'Wi' dance party - great fun on a wet winter day.

I think my memory cells have packed their bags & taken a holiday to the moon! I panic & have moments when it feels like I can't remember a thing. But the proof of the pudding is in the eating. Last Sunday I danced lots as a follower and then as a lead - switching from one role to another without any brain ache whatsoever. Admittedly I creaked a bit getting out of my van once I arrived home but that was protesting limbs & body!! It was a great evening at Tracey's as usual and the icing on the cake was being able to dance the lead AND chat all at the same time without any hiccups or anything grinding to a halt as co-ordination refused to kick in. YIPPEEEEEEEEEE! The other thing that put a big smile on my face was when Tracey (bless her cotton socks) asked me to help with teaching the class. Loved every minute of it.

Adam the ever patient social media guy came round for lesson no.3 in the joys of Twitter, Mailchimp, Blogs, Hootsuite and facebook - it sounds like a recipe for a joke doesn't it? My giddy ants - now doing THAT kind of stuff really does give me brain ache. But after much swearing, muttering, chuntering & coffee we finally finished my first ever Gecko Dance newsletter. Am I proud or what? Dancing in Portugal here I come.............. Just got to pack the van & do a thousand and one things before setting off on the 13th. Business cards, posters, van business signs, Marmite for Linda, Cadbury's Cream Eggs for Gary, a saw for Ben, and ..........

Expanding on the leading front - testing new territories ..... my first experiences of actually being in a class & leading - Salsa New York style. Also thanks to Nisha Lall's never ending patience Lesley & I eventually got our act together leading Cuban Salsa. We had such a laugh and gave Nisha good reason to chuckle at our antics. I'm sure leading in Modern Jive has paved the way to making this easier even though it is a very different dance.