Then lo & behold one of John Sweeney's emails pops into my mail box with info about dance and what should I find ..... but a Modern Jive holiday in Spain within easy driving distance - a mere 6 hours away. WOW & double WOW. It also turns out that it is organised by dancing friends from about 8 years ago.
Well, that meant I just HAD to book didn't it? With baited breath I phoned Wes Stala of Jivestyle and found out that there were still places. So that was that - I booked. The only problem was I hadn't really done any Modern Jive for many years - effectively an 8 year break with a period of a few months thrown in at around 3 years ago. YIKES. This is where 'It is all John Sweeney's fault' truly kicks in!!
An email conversation starts .......
Me - "Hi John, I am now happily living in beautiful rural Portugal which I love but it is a bit of a dance desert. I'm going on one of Wes's holidays & I need some DVDs to remind me of what to do".
John gives me the required info as to what DVD's would be best & then says "why don't you start something in your area?"
Me .... after having a minor seizure ...... "you have got to be joking. I couldn't even show one step for the lady never mind what the guy does."
John "Well, you could learn how to teach. It doesn't matter how long it takes does it?"
Me .... after spluttering & my brain going into apoplexy at the thought ........ "hmmmmmm, I guess you have a point. At least I'd eventually have some people to dance with if I can teach them".
My life has never been the same since & I don't think it ever will be. These couple of emails that went back & forth between John & I have started something that I would never have dreamed possible. No matter what happens .... the people who I have met already on this journey so far have enriched my life in a way that I could never have imagined.