Photos info - see below.
Every spare moment I had it was a case for 'close the curtains & SLEEP' so I could reserve my get up & dance energy requirements!
~ Up at the last minute to have some breakfast at about 9.30am. Attend first class 10 / 10.30am.
~ Then a private lesson with Keith before lunch.
~ Go back to room & sleep for an hour before next lesson usually around 4.30 pm.
~ Back to room for another hours kip before dinner, good chats, laughs & dancing till 1 - 2 am. With some reading to help wind down after the dancing - it always takes a while to come back down to earth after an evenings dancing. Dancing is just the best 'high' and the great thing is it isn't illegal, fattening or immoral. Wish the same thing could be said for chocolate.
By the end of the holiday my mind was set - rural Portugal has got to have some of this (yes - I know - this is said for totally selfish reasons). Why on earth have I let so many years go by without dancing - nearly 8 years which is criminal?
John was right - it doesn't matter how long it takes to get the dancing going." Just do it". Without even a proper plan people have still been encouraging & supportive. I'm sure in time 'The Dancing In Portugal Quest' will develop its own plan & style according to who gets involved.
PHOTOS - Just because we are adults doesn't mean there isn't a kid in each one of us!! Party games organised by Wes & Chris on the Hawaiin Fancy dress evening.
Plus of course one of my favourite photos of a peaceful moment when Tessa's six pups were finally asleep in the cat basket October 2004 ....... Well, it is kind of relevant ..... lots of activity & then sleep kindofthing.