Picture this - at some point during August I was driving to the Crato summer music festival (sadly not the night UB40 were playing as it clashed with Andreas' birthday party). Linda & Joao (Olivia's 17 year old school friend) were in the van with me.
We have a conversation which goes along the lines of .......
Linda "Joao has done Lindy Hop"
Me - with brain not computing the fact that a 17 year old in rural Portugal has HEARD of Lindy never mind DONE IT (lets face it folks many dancing people in the UK haven't a clue as to what Lindy is) ....... "Pardon?"
Linda speaking slightly slower & louder as if I've gone daft as well as deaf repeats what she has just said.
Me nearly driving off the road in excitement & surprise. Luckily for us & my beloved van I regained my composure, slowed down to a snail's pace & incredulously asked if I'd heard correctly.
It turns out that I had heard right and Joao had just attended the August Dance Festival up north (at this point Linda sheepishly admitted she hadn't thought to tell me about it). This is an event he had been to several times & done all sorts of dance there. He innocently enquired as to whether I had any Lindy music. If we hadn't been on our way to something I would have turned around, got some music, watched a Youtube clip & reminded myself of the fun of Lindy.
There is hope - someone here loves to dance. Maybe there are more dancers but as yet I just don't know it? And as for a dance festival at the hottest time of year being successful - that is surely a good sign?
The search is looking promising.